Install OpenOrchestra with vagrant

Open Orchestra is composed of three projects : open-orchestra which is the CMS Back Office and open-orchestra-front-demo which is the Front Office part that will display the sites and pages created in the CMS Back Office and open-orchestra-media-demo which will display the images loaded in the CMS Back Office.

For developers, we provide a Vagrant-powered environment with provisioning so you get minimal setup actions to do.

Install Vagrant

The project is running on a Vagrant virtual environment built on VirtualBox to be production ready. For more information about Vagrant installation, you can see ` Vagrant installation documentation <>`

Install ansible

All the project server configuration is going to be handled by ansible.

Our configuration was made for the 1.9.4 version of ansible. It doesn’t work with the version 2 of ansible.

For more information about ansible installation, you can see Ansible installation documentation.

If you need tar.gz archives, you can see this link :

Install nfs server

To improve the vagrant box performance, we share the folders with the nfs protocol. You need to install a nfs server instance on your computer.

$ aptitude install nfs-kernel-server

Download Composer

Composer is the package manager used by modern PHP applications.

To install composer with curl:

$ curl -sS | php

If you don’t have curl installed, you can also download it with php:

$ php -r "readfile('');" | php

see Download Composer

Install OpenOrchestra

Install the different open-orchestra part using composer:

$ ./composer.phar create-project open-orchestra/open-orchestra ./open-orchestra -s stable --ignore-platform-reqs --no-scripts 1.1.x
$ ./composer.phar create-project open-orchestra/open-orchestra-front-demo ./open-orchestra-front-demo -s stable --ignore-platform-reqs --no-scripts 1.1.x
$ ./composer.phar create-project open-orchestra/open-orchestra-media-demo ./open-orchestra-media-demo -s stable --ignore-platform-reqs --no-scripts 1.1.x

Clone the provisioning repository in another folder :

$ git clone --branch=1.1

Install roles from ansible-galaxy

Go into open-orchestra-provisioning directory and install roles needed to launch the box:

$ ansible-galaxy install --role-file=galaxy.yml

Override the dns redirection

In the /etc/hosts file of your computer add the following lines :

Launch the box

In the open-orchestra directory, when you launch the box, it will take some time to :

  • Import the base box
  • Launch it
  • Run all the provisioning scripts
$ vagrant up

Install the assets

We are using npm to manage some server side javascript libraries and bower to manage the client side libraries

Connect to the vagrant box using vagrant ssh

Finalise the composer installation in each project

$ cd /var/www/openorchestra && composer run-script post-install-cmd
$ cd /var/www/front-openorchestra && composer run-script post-install-cmd
$ cd /var/www/media-openorchestra && composer run-script post-install-cmd

Then go in the Back Office project directory inside the box

$ cd /var/www/openorchestra

Launch the grunt command to generate all assets

$ ./bin/grunt

Load the fixtures

In the symfony project directory /var/www/openorchestra you can load the fixtures provided :

$ php app/console orchestra:mongodb:fixtures:load --type=production --env=prod

Now you can log on with username=admin and password=admin for the CMS and see the result on

All the images will be visible on the url.