Elasticsearch indexation

General note

This documentation describes the provisionning modification for the vagrant environment. All the modifications could be done on all the different environments.


Elasticsearch is a common indexor based on the lucene engine written in Java. To install it on the computer running the application, you should add the indexation group to the file provisioning/hosts/vagrant :


You should also add some configuration to the provisioning/hosts/group_vars/vagrant file:

elasticsearch_version: 1.4
  - name: mobz/elasticsearch-head
    check_file: /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/head/index.html

This way, Elasticsearch will be binded to the public ip of the vagrant box.

We also recommand you to install the plugin head which could give you usefull information about the cluster.

Run the provisionning (vagrant provision) to install Elasticsearch.

Go on to check if it is running properly. You should see status: 200 in the json response.

Go on to see the plugin head working.

Elasticsearch and Open Orchestra

To perform all the indexation in Elasticsearch an Open Orchestra bundle has been created. It is the open-orchestra-elastica-bundle.

Add in your composer.json file :

"open-orchestra/open-orchestra-elastica-bundle": "*"

In the app/AppKernel.php file :

new OpenOrchestra\ElasticaBundle\OpenOrchestraElasticaBundle(),

Add the Elasticsearch listening address in the app/config/config.yml file :

    host: is our local configuration, this can vary on your installation.

After running the composer update command, you should see some new command appear when running php app/console :

$ php app/console | grep orchestra

Those commands are :

orchestra:elastica:index:create         Create an index in elastic search
orchestra:elastica:index:drop           Drop the index in elasticsearch
orchestra:elastica:populate             Populate the content index with the contents
orchestra:elastica:schema:create        Load the schema from the content types

Creating the index

The first time you install Elasticsearch you can use the command orchestra:elastica:index:create to create the index.

$ php app/console orchestra:elastica:index:create

For more advanced users, you can directly go on Elasticsearch and create your index with the name content.

There is only an output if there is an error during the process.

Creating the schema

Once your index is created, you should create the schema to help Elasticsearch store and retrieve your datas.

The first time you are using Elasticsearch on an existing installation, you should use the command :

$ php app/console orchestra:elastica:schema:create

During the project lifetime, the schema will be automatically updated each time the ContentType are updated.

There is only an output if there is an error during the process.

Populating the index

The first time you are using Elasticsearch, you could populate the index with the existing datas, using the command :

$ php app/console orchestra:elastica:populate

During the project lifetime, the indexed data will be automatically updated each time you publish a Content.

There is only an output if there is an error during the process.