Elasticsearch add new indexed document

General note

To use this documentation, you should already have installed Elasticsearch on your environment.

This documentation describes how to create the schema, and how to populate the index of the new document.

Schema creation

To generate the schema of your document, you need to create an initializer that implements ElasticaSchemaInitializer.

This initializer should be tagged with :

    - { name: open_orchestra_elastica.schema_initializer.strategy }

All initializers are called by the console command orchestra:elastica:schema:create.

This initializer can call a schema generator class that should implement DocumentToElasticaSchemaGeneratorInterface.

Index population

To populate the index with your document data, there are two possible actions :

  • Populate the index from the data of you database
  • Modify the index each time one of your document is modified

Populate from the database

To populate the index from the database, you need to create a populator that implements ElasticaPopulatorInterface.

This populator should be tagged with :

    - { name: open_orchestra_elastica.populator.strategy}

This populator queries all the documents that you want to index from the database. This service should call a indexor which implement MultipleDocumentIndexorInterface.

All populators are called when you run the orchestra:elastica:populate command.

The indexor gets an array of documents, transforms them into elastica document and send the indexed document to the database. The indexor should call a transformer which implement ModelToElasticaTransformerInterface.

The transformer gets a document and output an elastica document.

Modify the index

Create or update a document

When a document is created or modified, you should listen to the DocumentEvents::CREATE or DocumentEvents::UPDATE events.

The listener should call an indexor that implements DocumentIndexorInterface

The indexor gets the document and index an elastica document. The indexor calls the transformer that you created in the previous section to perform the transformation.

Delete a document

When a document is deleted, you should listen to the DocumentEvents::DELETE event.

The listener should call an indexor that implements DocumentDeletorInterface.

The deletor gets a document and send a delete query to Elasticsearch with the elastica document. The indexor calls the transformer that you created in the previous section.