Block creation

The block system

In Open Orchestra, pages are made of blocks representing data to display.

In order for them to be easily manageable, each block comes with a set of display strategies defined as services:

  • A display strategy for the Back Office. This strategy is used to render the block when editing a node including that type of block
  • An icon and title display strategy, visible in the Back Office, in the blocks panel of node pages
  • A strategy for displaying the form to edit the block in the Back Office
  • A display strategy for the Front Office

These strategies are identified by the usage of specific tags when declaring the service.

The different strategies

Back Office display strategies

Services used as Back Office block display strategies, must be taggued as open_orchestra_backoffice.display_block.strategy:

    - { name: open_orchestra_backoffice.display_block.strategy }

Those services also need to implement OpenOrchestra\DisplayBundle\DisplayBlock\DisplayBlockInterface

Strategies for the icon

Services used as block icon display strategies must be taggued as open_orchestra_backoffice.display_icon.strategy:

    - { name: open_orchestra_backoffice.display_icon.strategy }

Such services also need to implement OpenOrchestra\BackofficeBundle\DisplayIcon\DisplayInterface

Strategies for the form

Services used as block form display strategies must be tagged as open_orchestra_backoffice.generate_form.strategy:

    - { name: open_orchestra_backoffice.generate_form.strategy }

They also need to implement OpenOrchestra\Backoffice\GenerateForm\GenerateFormInterface

Front Office display strategies

Services used as Front Office block display strategies, must be taggued as open_orchestra_display.display_block.strategy:

    - { name: open_orchestra_display.display_block.strategy }

Those services also need to implement OpenOrchestra\DisplayBundle\DisplayBlock\DisplayBlockInterface

Add the block in the configuration

After creating the different strategies, you still have to register your new block in Open Orchestra. To do this, add it to your application configuration:

        - block_name

Cache control

Open Orchestra leverages the power of ESI blocks to optimize page rendering and increase performance. In the Front Office application, each block is rendered in an ESI block using the render_esi() twig function.

See also ESI blocks.