API group context


To increase readability and reduce the code duplication in the API, a transformer will only be linked to one entity and one facade. This way, each time you will transform an entity into a facade, it will be done using the same parameters. In some case, you do not want to display all the data from a facade in a certain context.

For instance, when you list all the nodes, the area and blocks might not be useful.

The JMSSerializerBundle allows you to hide some properties on the serialization by using some serialization group. The main issue with this method is that you will still have to complete all the data in the facade.

We are going to see how we can use the Open Orchestra project to limit the amount of data set in the facade depending on the context


In a controller action, you can directly add an annotation :

 * @Api\Groups({"GROUP_FOO"})
public function fooAction()

With the requirements :

use OpenOrchestra\ApiBundle\Controller\Annotation as Api;

Then in the transformer, you can directly call the hasGroup method :


This method will check if the group has been added in the action annotation. Now you can either choose to set or not some properties in the facade.

Going further

All groups are stored in the open_orchestra_api.context.group service. As this service has a scope container you can modify it in your code by adding a specific group.


In all the following transformer, you can now check if the GROUP_BAR is present :

$this->hasGroup('GROUP_BAR') // true