Field type

Open Orchestra offers the possibility to create the Content Types from the back office. Further information about it is available in the Content Types documentation.

When creating a content type, you can add several attributes of different types. By default Open Orchestra offers few types (text line, date, email, hidden, integer, choice, media, money, rich test, text area).

These page explains how to create new field types to extend the possibilities.


Add a field type

To add a new field type, you need to add an entry to the configuration open_orchestra_backoffice.field_types which describes your field type.

The description of your field type must contain these values:

  • name name of your field type
  • type form type of your field, this can be a form type natively available in Symfony or a custom form type
  • label translation key of label
  • default_value (optional) describes the field allowing to contribute the default value of your field.
  • options (optional) describes the different options to configure your field type (max length, required, etc).

Example of simple field type:

        label: open_orchestra.form.field_type.textarea
        type: textarea

Field type options

The field type can be configured with options, for instance you can add an option to field custom_textarea to configure the max length.

You must add an entry in configuration open_orchestra_backoffice.options with 4 parameters:

  • name name of option
  • type form type of option, this can be a form type natively available in Symfony or your custom form type
  • label translation key of label
  • required a boolean indicating if option is required

When the user adds a field type at a content type, if an option of this field type is required then the user can’t save the content type until he has contributed the option.

Example of option max length:

        type: integer
        label: open_orchestra_backoffice.form.orchestra_fields.max_length
        required: true

Now, you can add the option in your field type:

    label: open_orchestra.form.field_type.textarea
    type: textarea
            default_value: 100

The parameter default_value is required in all options .

Open Orchestra already offers many options (max_length, required, grouping, rounding_mode, multiple, expanded choices, currency, precision, format, widget, input) that you can use in your field type.

Field type default value

When adding an attribute to a content type, the user may contribute the default value for this attribute. As the default value type depends on the field type (datetime, text area, media, etc), it is interesting to personalize the default value form.

For instance it is interesting to have a text area to contribute the default value of your field custom_textarea created above.

    label: open_orchestra_backoffice.form.field_type.custom_type.textarea
    type: textarea
        type: textarea
            label: open_orchestra_backoffice.form.field_type.default_value
            required: false
            default_value: 100

The textarea.default_value.options key are options proposed by Symfony for the textarea form type (max length, label, trim, disabled, etc).