Manage Bower and Npm Dependencies

Open Orchestra uses npm to manage some server side javascript libraries and bower to manage the client side libraries.

To facilitate the addition of bower and npm dependencies, Open Orchestra uses the composer plugin composer-extra-assets which allows to declare such dependencies in the composer.json

Adding Bower and Npm Dependencies

To add your own Bower and Npm dependencies you have to specify them in the composer.json of your application or your bundle.

"require": {
    "koala-framework/composer-extra-assets": "~2.0"
"extra": {
    "require-npm": {
        "grunt": "0.4.*"
    "require-bower": {
        "jquery": "*"

If you add Npm dependencies in your bundle, you can add the expose-npm-packages attribute to the composer. With this option, the Npm package are available in the node_modules directory of Composer’s root and not in the directory of your bundle.

"require": {
    "koala-framework/composer-extra-assets": "~2.0"
"extra": {
    "require-npm": {
         "gulp": "*"
    "expose-npm-packages": true

Bower.json and Package.json files

composer-extra-assets generates bower.json and package.json files. It’s not recommended to add your Bower and Npm dependencies in these files because it will be overwritten when the next composer update|install will be launched.